Transport To Kazachstan

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Transport from and to Kazachstan

Simex ships daily shipments to Kazakhstan in coordination with consolidated transporters which travel to various destinations in Kazakhstan, including Bautino, Temirtau, Pavlodar, and Astana. However, any destination in Kazakhstan is possible. The extent of our services enables us to handle the process of your transport in its entirety. There is much more to transport than the loading of a trailer, such as procuring the export documents necessary to complete a job. This is why we not only work with a large network of reliable transporters, but also internally work to ensure your work is done in the greatest of detail. We satisfy all your bureaucratic needs.

Transport To Kazachstan

Everything under control

The entire chain is under our control, and goods are transported on our own wheels, using a proprietary national distribution and collection network. This guarantees maximum trustworthiness and the fastest transit times.

Simex has years of experience and our specialists possess a wealth of knowledge of the market. For every volume shipped, we provide a tailored solution. We keep tight control of your shipment, so as to allow the transport process to proceed without issue.

Your satisfaction

In our company, we adhere to a policy of mutual trust, and we attach great value to this. You know what you can expect of us beforehand. Additionally, you know what you are in for. We distinguish ourselves through personal involvement, and through our customs expertise. Additionally, Simex complies with the requirements of the certification for our industry.

Contact us!

Your transport will be carried out as efficiently as possible with the help of a transporter with a wide range of expertise. With extensive market knowledge in conjunction with daily departures, Simex ensures the successful handling of your transport throughout Kazakhstan.

We guarantee to respond to your quote request as soon as possible. Should you have a shipment due for Kazakhstan, we are glad to help. Feel free to contact us.

Call us at: +31(0)75 640 30 61 E-mail us:

Safe storage
All required documentation
Fast delivery
Kit assembly
Packaging of your goods
Professional 24/7 security

Request a quote?

Do you have any questions regarding our services? Request a quote directly.

Do you have a question?

Do you have any questions regarding our services? Contact us.

Simex Logistic Solutions

Get in Touch

Hoogvlietsekerkweg 130 B
3194 AM Hoogvliet-Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0)75 640 3061