Welcome To Simex Transport & Forwarding

All in One Transport Service

We offer complete solutions for transport and logistics needs.

Real Solutions, Real Fast!

Complete Solutions For Transport And Logistics Needs

From A to Z

With a single phone call, we ensure your goods arrive safe and sound. In other words, from A to Z!

30 years of experience

With over 30 years of experience, we ensure your transport arrives safely and timely.

Office walk-in consultation

Whenever you should desire to know more, feel free to visit our office. Of course, coffee will be waiting for you!

Storage of your goods

We offer storage facilities in important places all over Europe!

Successful Projects
Simex offers a diverse portfolio of road transport services throughout Europe and the Caucasus.
Clients Worldwide
At simex we always transport your products with great speed. Your products always arrive on time and safely.

Years of Experience

If you have any questions you can always visit us at the office. There is always coffee waiting for you!
Simex Transport

Real Solutions, Real Fast!

Managing Logistics For World’s Multinational Companies.

We have extensive experience in the field of transport

We offer complete solutions for transport and logistics needs. From complex projects to home deliveries and everything in between, you can count on Simex to deliver the right solution.

Dedication and responsibility

Simex transports around the world. Although we are known in many countries, we are located in 4 countries. If you are in the Netherlands, Poland or Azerbaijan and want a cup of coffee? Then you can always contact us!

Offering services worldwide

Offering services worldwide

Flexible And Reliable

We Take Care Of Your Cargo Or Your Passenger And Deliver Them Safely And On Time.

Simex Transport & Forwarding

You Have A Need,
We Have The Solution

Simex Logistics
Our global logistics expertise, advanced supply chain technology & customized logistics solutions will help you analyze, develop and implemelogistics solutions

will help you analyze, develop and implement successful supply chain management strategies from end-to-end.


Hoogvlietsekerkweg 130 B
3194 AM Hoogvliet-Rotterdam
The Netherlands


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With our extensive knowledge, and 30 years of experience, we will find the best solution for you.